19 Aug 2008

Transforming the world

Recently I spent a day in the Blue Mountains looking at the topic of " Transforming the world-agents of change". I have been before to this conference so I knew what it was all on about. The number of agencies, people and warmth of everyone was exciting. The speakers talked from God's word but one thing that struck out for me was the actually people serving the Lord in various areas around the world. Each of them had diferent personalities, gifts and talents, yet they used it to glorify God. It is amazing to think that God can use each one of us to further his Kingdom-even if we feel we can't do much, God can help us be agents of change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, yes. Musing over this- that its by His grace that we should participate in, and be channels for, His amazing plans. That He includes us in His good purpose, not just for us to benefit from, but to strive for as well, through Him, and hence find meaning and purpose in what we do, and a solid identity in who we are as workers for our Father- the King over all the earth.