31 Dec 2010

Cultural Lessons in Davao-1

Our orientation of the Philippines on Thursday was helpful. Learning about the dos and donts , body language and the history and culture of a nation is very important. Lots of the things already been said is something I am familiar with growing up in Asia. It can be very easy for outsiders to judge a culture because it is different. There may have been times when I wouldn't do exactly as what the culture says however I am keen to learn and observe and make the most of it. I relish the challenges and joys of adjusting and living in a different place. The humidity, noise, pollution, the food of a place as well as various beliefs and customs is something that can be offputting to a newcommer.

It is a good reminder to me that the long term missionaries here in the Philippines have had to also learn all the norms of the Filipino way of doing things. This might take a very long time and something that workers need to perseve with as a way of building relationships with the locals.

Something for me to keep on remembering as it is so easy to complain about a place without getting to know the culture and what lies beneth it.

Paglalakbay Update 3- In Davao

The next week and a bit will be spent in Davao preparing and serving
in the upcoming OMF field conference. So far, the team has had
many cultural experiences.

The food, the markets, the culture and the people have been a
highlight for me
. One experience we had today, while we were
shopping for items for the upcoming conference, was that over the
department store microphone, a prayer about Mary was given. It is
suppose to be a time when people are to reflect and be quiet
in the department store!

I do feel like I am ‘home’ in Davao as it brings back a lot of
positive memories from my upbringing in Asia. The missionaries
the team have met so far at the Davao guest house have been
such a great encouragement in the way they love and serve our
Great God. Below are some prayer points

Thank God

* for a safe arrival and for many cultural experiences so far in Davao.

* for the opportunity to share my faith with a young Filipino lady on the Singapore to Davao flight on Wed.

* for the QLD couple who run the OMF Davao Guest House. They are so friendly and hospitable. Emmy( picture in the previous post) cleans and washes the clothes of the guests. She is always smiling and is so joyful as she goes about her work. She is also a believer.Praise God.

Ask God

* for continual strength and energy everyday even when
we are tired.

* for the rest of the organising and preparation for the
upcoming OMF conference. There are still a few things
that need to be purchased for the conference before

* That Vicki(team member) and myself as we finalise
the program for the teens program of the conference that
we would trust God in all of this.

Day 1-3 Photos

Here are a few photos from the last 3 days.

23 Dec 2010


The Philippines has a population of 92 million,making it the 12th largest populous cuontry in the world. Along with its thousands of islands, the country is home to many different people. Despite the Philippines being the only 'Christian'country in East Asia, only 8 % of the population are committed, Bible believing Christians. The team is looking forward to going to the Philippines and serving there soon.

The team will arrive in Davao on the island of Mindanao for sometime before flying up to Manila on the island of Luzon. The map can be enlarged

20 Dec 2010

Journey Guide: “ A Companion for your cross cultural trip ”

With around 1 week till departure date, part of the requirements of this trip with OMF is to go over 5 sections of the journey guide starting from before the trip and concluding when returning back home. The booklet goes over Bible passages and studies, helpful hints, crossing cultures, spiritual warfare, host country training and debriefing, plus lots more including space for personal reflection.

The importance of spending time with God in his word and preparing yourself before, during and after you come back is of great benefit with this upcoming trip. It is great to receive encouragement from people who have been on short terms or who are long term workers whom receive such training to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19)

“ The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed. ” This quote by J.Hudson Taylor, (the founder of China Inland Mission-now OMF) who served God in East Asia is a great reminder to believers about God’s plan for the world in bring people to know HIM.

I look forward to journeying with God, growing my understanding of him through this trip and by reading God’s word, praying and taking my ‘journey guide’ with me.


10 Dec 2010


Working in teams is important. It is a great privillege as God's people to work with others and utilise the gifts and abilities he has given us.
Here is the team of 7 going to the Philippines. It is a great joy and encouragement to be part of this team


The mission trip I will be undertaking at the end of this month is something which I have thought about carefully. Hearing the need of more people to join the team is one thing, but the importance of taking it up to God and taking that further step is something else.

While praying about this opportunity, God reminded me through his word the need for people to go out and spread his word. Many Old Testament and New Testament folks went about this, trusting that God would be with them through the joys and challenges of the journey ahead.

The Philippines is not as unreached as many other Asian countries, however it still has many physical, economic, environmental and spiritual needs. A lot of the population follow Catholicism with many also living below the poverty line. These sorts of needs along with hearing what some of the missionaries face when working there is something that was on my heart to want to serve in the Philippines over the summer.

Even though this trip will mean a few sacrifices, I am prepared to make them and trust God about them. I know that the sacrifices are sometimes nothing compared to what the long-term missionaries have made to live and serve amongst Filipinos, yet they do it because they love God.

OMF International( the organisation the team will be going out with ) has been working in the Philippines for some time working strategically to preach the gospel to those who haven’t heard. Below is a link for further information on the Philippines.


Thanks for reading and will bring you Reflection 2 in the next week or so.