20 Dec 2010

Journey Guide: “ A Companion for your cross cultural trip ”

With around 1 week till departure date, part of the requirements of this trip with OMF is to go over 5 sections of the journey guide starting from before the trip and concluding when returning back home. The booklet goes over Bible passages and studies, helpful hints, crossing cultures, spiritual warfare, host country training and debriefing, plus lots more including space for personal reflection.

The importance of spending time with God in his word and preparing yourself before, during and after you come back is of great benefit with this upcoming trip. It is great to receive encouragement from people who have been on short terms or who are long term workers whom receive such training to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19)

“ The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed. ” This quote by J.Hudson Taylor, (the founder of China Inland Mission-now OMF) who served God in East Asia is a great reminder to believers about God’s plan for the world in bring people to know HIM.

I look forward to journeying with God, growing my understanding of him through this trip and by reading God’s word, praying and taking my ‘journey guide’ with me.


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