31 Dec 2010

Cultural Lessons in Davao-1

Our orientation of the Philippines on Thursday was helpful. Learning about the dos and donts , body language and the history and culture of a nation is very important. Lots of the things already been said is something I am familiar with growing up in Asia. It can be very easy for outsiders to judge a culture because it is different. There may have been times when I wouldn't do exactly as what the culture says however I am keen to learn and observe and make the most of it. I relish the challenges and joys of adjusting and living in a different place. The humidity, noise, pollution, the food of a place as well as various beliefs and customs is something that can be offputting to a newcommer.

It is a good reminder to me that the long term missionaries here in the Philippines have had to also learn all the norms of the Filipino way of doing things. This might take a very long time and something that workers need to perseve with as a way of building relationships with the locals.

Something for me to keep on remembering as it is so easy to complain about a place without getting to know the culture and what lies beneth it.

Paglalakbay Update 3- In Davao

The next week and a bit will be spent in Davao preparing and serving
in the upcoming OMF field conference. So far, the team has had
many cultural experiences.

The food, the markets, the culture and the people have been a
highlight for me
. One experience we had today, while we were
shopping for items for the upcoming conference, was that over the
department store microphone, a prayer about Mary was given. It is
suppose to be a time when people are to reflect and be quiet
in the department store!

I do feel like I am ‘home’ in Davao as it brings back a lot of
positive memories from my upbringing in Asia. The missionaries
the team have met so far at the Davao guest house have been
such a great encouragement in the way they love and serve our
Great God. Below are some prayer points

Thank God

* for a safe arrival and for many cultural experiences so far in Davao.

* for the opportunity to share my faith with a young Filipino lady on the Singapore to Davao flight on Wed.

* for the QLD couple who run the OMF Davao Guest House. They are so friendly and hospitable. Emmy( picture in the previous post) cleans and washes the clothes of the guests. She is always smiling and is so joyful as she goes about her work. She is also a believer.Praise God.

Ask God

* for continual strength and energy everyday even when
we are tired.

* for the rest of the organising and preparation for the
upcoming OMF conference. There are still a few things
that need to be purchased for the conference before

* That Vicki(team member) and myself as we finalise
the program for the teens program of the conference that
we would trust God in all of this.

Day 1-3 Photos

Here are a few photos from the last 3 days.

23 Dec 2010


The Philippines has a population of 92 million,making it the 12th largest populous cuontry in the world. Along with its thousands of islands, the country is home to many different people. Despite the Philippines being the only 'Christian'country in East Asia, only 8 % of the population are committed, Bible believing Christians. The team is looking forward to going to the Philippines and serving there soon.

The team will arrive in Davao on the island of Mindanao for sometime before flying up to Manila on the island of Luzon. The map can be enlarged

20 Dec 2010

Journey Guide: “ A Companion for your cross cultural trip ”

With around 1 week till departure date, part of the requirements of this trip with OMF is to go over 5 sections of the journey guide starting from before the trip and concluding when returning back home. The booklet goes over Bible passages and studies, helpful hints, crossing cultures, spiritual warfare, host country training and debriefing, plus lots more including space for personal reflection.

The importance of spending time with God in his word and preparing yourself before, during and after you come back is of great benefit with this upcoming trip. It is great to receive encouragement from people who have been on short terms or who are long term workers whom receive such training to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19)

“ The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed. ” This quote by J.Hudson Taylor, (the founder of China Inland Mission-now OMF) who served God in East Asia is a great reminder to believers about God’s plan for the world in bring people to know HIM.

I look forward to journeying with God, growing my understanding of him through this trip and by reading God’s word, praying and taking my ‘journey guide’ with me.


10 Dec 2010


Working in teams is important. It is a great privillege as God's people to work with others and utilise the gifts and abilities he has given us.
Here is the team of 7 going to the Philippines. It is a great joy and encouragement to be part of this team


The mission trip I will be undertaking at the end of this month is something which I have thought about carefully. Hearing the need of more people to join the team is one thing, but the importance of taking it up to God and taking that further step is something else.

While praying about this opportunity, God reminded me through his word the need for people to go out and spread his word. Many Old Testament and New Testament folks went about this, trusting that God would be with them through the joys and challenges of the journey ahead.

The Philippines is not as unreached as many other Asian countries, however it still has many physical, economic, environmental and spiritual needs. A lot of the population follow Catholicism with many also living below the poverty line. These sorts of needs along with hearing what some of the missionaries face when working there is something that was on my heart to want to serve in the Philippines over the summer.

Even though this trip will mean a few sacrifices, I am prepared to make them and trust God about them. I know that the sacrifices are sometimes nothing compared to what the long-term missionaries have made to live and serve amongst Filipinos, yet they do it because they love God.

OMF International( the organisation the team will be going out with ) has been working in the Philippines for some time working strategically to preach the gospel to those who haven’t heard. Below is a link for further information on the Philippines.


Thanks for reading and will bring you Reflection 2 in the next week or so.

15 Nov 2010

Costs of living

The costs of living can vary from one economy to another, one family to another and one country to another.
Here in Australia, electricity prices have rocketed over the last few months with many disadvantaged families feeling the brunt of it. Many are already in a cycle of disadvantaged.
It is important to also keep things in perspective. Yes things are difficult for people however having faith in Jesus is of such importance as we live out our lives here on earth serving others.

3 Nov 2010

Horse racing

The Melbourne Cup has come and gone for another year, with many watching the horse races either at Flemington, on television or through other means.
Every year, there is mention of the bets people put on the horses as they try and see who will be the winner of this prestigious race.Some put little on the horses, others give a lot more.
It is interesting where peoples priorities are with money. People can make their own choices, but as a follower of Jesus, I know that my priority is in Jesus.

15 Oct 2010

Blog Action Day- WATER

Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.

Recently I found about this website, http://blogactionday.change.org/ and how each year on October 15, bloggers around the world unite together and blog about the same topic. So, today this blog is about water.
Water-this 5 letter word is known to us to replenish us. So why the big fuss about water when we know what it is?

Believe it or not, 1 child in the world dies from a water borne illness or disease every 20 seconds. The majority of these children are in third world countries where poverty is real and many are in deep crisis. Water is crucial for all so when a person dies from drinking water, it can be hard to imagine living in the western world.

Another fact, 1 in 8 people around the world do not have access to clean, safe drinking water (Charitywater,2010)
Organisations around the world like Samaritan’s Purse, (http://samaritanspurse.dms-au.com/2009/05/11/see-our-water-filters-in-action/) have specific projects in places like Cambodia to help with providing clean and accessible water to all.
We can all make a difference in the world we live in, whether by praying for people who don’t have clean drinking water,educating and informing people about what life is like for people in third world countries and by taking action to advocate for those who don’t have their basic needs met.

So, the next time you have a drink of water,think about the children, men and women of the world who are in desperate need of clean water and give a thought to what it might be like if you were in their position.

14 Oct 2010

Petitions by Change.org|Start a Petition »

Mental Health Month

This month is mental health month looking at raising awareness of mental health and how to assist people who may need help.
This website http://www.mentalhealth.asn.au/wellbeing/mental-health-week-nsw.html
provides some wonderful information on how to look after our minds and keep them healthy.
With Mental health affecting a lot of the population, it is important for people to recognise what it is.The theme of this months mental health awareness, "Good friends help us bounce back"
Further information can be found at

6 Sept 2010

Hi all, i haven't neglected by blog posts.
I have 4 in my drafts and should be all online by15th Sept.
Thanks for your patience.

9 Aug 2010

Homeless week

Homeless week was August 1-8 this year in Australia.

It is easy to think that homelessness is not our problem, but the motto for this year was “Will you be homeless in 2020?”

Around 105 000 Australians each year are classified as homeless where no place to sleep. Some people may be sleeping rough or couch surfing at mates places.
I know it is very easy for me to forget about the needs of Aussies in our own backyard and think that poverty is only in the third world. Yes, we should be advocating for people overseas who are in desperate need, but there is also a place to think about people here in Australia who don’t know when their next meal will be. As Christians God tells us to love people and there are many examples in the gospels of Jesus caring for the sick and hurt.

There are practical things we can do to support people in our own backyard doing it tough-maybe helping out at soup kitchen once a month or donating second hand clothes to other worthy organisations.

For further information on homelessness in Australia feel free to check out the below links:

4 July 2010

13:3 Race 4 the persecuted-A race with a difference

On July 3rd 2010, our team 'Awesome Foursome' along with 14 other teams met on a cold winters morning at the front of the Town Hall in the Sydney CBD to participate in an ‘amazing race’. The aim was not to be the first team to cross the finish line to win $1 million dollars (like the real USA Amazing Race)but to raise funds to support persecuted Christians doing it tough in Iraq.

Teams were made up of between 3-8 people. All teams started at Town Hall and were given their first clue. The clues were mixed around so no more than 2 teams were going for the same clue at once, but rather, teams going in a ‘circle’ around the CBD to find various landmarks.

All the clues were in an envelope with the envelopes having different symbols on them to distinguish one team from another. Many of the clues involved imagery that needed to be decoded. At each ‘checkpoint’, a photo was taken of the team along with the ‘number’ of the checkpoint. (SEE PHOTOS) The teams only knew that they were at the correct checkpoint if they saw a person wearing green clothes or green shoe laces. (The checkpoints included the Sydney Harbour bridge, Circular Quey and Hyde Park to name a few)

There were frustrations that our team encountered with finding our clue in Chinatown! Our team just could not find our checkpoint and had to go round and round in circles looking for an obvious clue (just like the real Amazing Race!)
3/1/2 hours later, we reached our final destination, right smack bang in Pitt St, Sydney. It was a relief to rest and refresh ourselves from our running/walking.

A short video clip and presentation followed the race with stories of what Iraqi Christians go through as a result of loving and serving Jesus. It was a great testimony and encouragement to me that they persevere so much despite their awful situation. It made me reflect back on our difficulty in finding our clue in Chinatown and the tiredness we felt after the race…….. Our slight ‘tiredness’ or ‘frustrations’ on this race is NOTHING compared to what the man, woman or child of Iraq who loves Jesus endures. It made me think,“what can I learn from Iraqi Christians about their faith? ”

So why was the race called 13:3? It comes from Hebrews 13v3.
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. "

Something to ponder and pray about…..

10 June 2010

World Cup

The world cup of soccer or 'Football' as many people may refer to it is here. For a month, sports fans will be dedicated to watching the round ball game. There will be lots hype with supporters from all across the world descending on South Africa hoping their team will be holding that prize come July 12th. With all the positive talk of the world cup, I wonder what it is like for the man, woman or child living in poverty in this country ? Yes, jobs will be created as a result of the influx of tourists and will help with a better income, but how about the long term future for the citizens of South Africa?
Maybe something to ponder about and research more about in the future.....

26 May 2010

Child labour..........and the impact of chocolate?

Image ref: http://missionmission.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/divine.jpg

There are a lot of kids in happy, healthy and thriving families where they have an opportunity to grow and experience many things. Sadly , however, this is not the case for a lot of kids around the world.

It is estimated that 158 million children aged 5-14 years are engaged in child labour (UNICEF, 2008)

As a result of poverty,family violence and for a means of families to survive(even if it is such a small income), child labour is real and affects many kids around the world. It can have long term impacts and affects the most vulnerable of boys and girls.

Child labour can include children being involved in excessive amounts of work, slavery at its worst and sadly child prostitution.

How can you and I do something to help end child labour? Here are some tips I have suggested:

Firstly as a Christian praying is important. God hears all our prays and is concerned for the poor and destitute of this world.
See how you can advocate for people in third world countries. Maybe you can petition, lobby, visit helpful websites informing you better on how you and I can help bring an end to child labour.

There is one thing though which many people love to eat..chocolate that can make a difference in ending child labour. Fair trade is involved in making a better deal for people in the developing world so that purchases made in western countries benefit and not hinder children.

Below is a website for Fairtrade Australia.

So maybe next time you buy your chocolate, why not check if it is fair trade chocolate?

9 May 2010

Homelessness-part 2

Image Ref: http://www.bhsc.net.au/services/co-located-partners

I wrote a previous post about homelessness in our city and my experiences of an upcoming event. Even though on this occasion I didn't see homeless people in this event, I am still very much aware of the need of services to provide for people in need. Services that in the future people we know may need. Through helping on this street count I gain some extra knowledge about where homeless people live and conditions for them. There are a lot of dedicated people wanting to bring about social change and have this issue of homelessness on governments minds so funding can be used to help these people in vulnerable positions.

If anyone is interested in finding out more about homeless people thee is a magazine called " The Big Issue" . Website is:
http://www.bigissue.org.au/ There is also a blog on the website too.

Happy reading!

27 Apr 2010

This is one of a number of verses on the Bible which gives me great encouragement,once which has meant a lot to me recently-

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1-2

18 Apr 2010


I sometimes get very carried away and forget sometimes what is really happening in the suburb,city and country I live in. However, homelessness is real and has been around for sometime. Around 100 000 people are classified as homeless each night. it is a staggering amount-one which I am aware of .Sometimes I wonder what is the best response as someone who wants to care for people in need. Is giving money the best thing, or will that create dependency?
Will write more ( in 2 posts time) as I gain some 'experience' in my own city in the next week of homelessness.

27 Mar 2010

As Easter approaches, it is highlighted for many by a holiday and easter eggs, however this Easter it is great to be reminded of Jesus.
Jesus died for all of us and then rose again 3 days later.

1 Mar 2010


Recently I checked out the definition of Materialism and here is two definitions:

1. the theory that physical matter is the only reality and that psychological states such as emotions, reason, thought, and desire will eventually be explained as physical functions
2. devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values

(Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)

Living in a western country we are bombarded by materialism. It is seen through the large amounts of junk mail I receive on a weekly basis advertising the latest technology gadgets that I must have. Through going to a shopping centre,the sales which capture my attention willing me on to buy more and more clothes that are discounted.

Around Easter and Christmas, various items will be on sale asking us to buy it for ‘pleasure’,‘happiness’’to feel you belong’.

I wonder though if buying the biggest house in Sydney, purchasing the latest mobile phone and spending money on the most expensive bag will make me/ us happy. Don’t get me wrong, we are human beings and we need our basic needs to be met and there is nothing wrong with things and buying items. Will it make me happier or not?

I just wonder and wrestle with God the many times that as a society I/we have ‘lost the plot’ and soon (or if not already) we have completely put stuff over other priorities like family,friends, other relationships, but more importantly as a Christian myself, put materialism over Jesus.

Maybe we need to organise our priorities and continually think about the important things in life. Possibly, giving our money to a charity or even sponsoring a child is more proactive so that the money given away will be used for a better purpose, where lives can be changed.

Prayer is the thing I can do as I seek God.

How about you, do you think materialism is getting in the way of other things?

11 Feb 2010

one month on.....

A country so improverished, most people live on less than $1.00 a day.
A country that has a history of violence
A country where 80 % of the population are unemployed.
A country where less than 20 % of the population over 15 years old can read and write.

This is Haiti.

One month on after the January 12 earthquake,it is hard to imagine that this country with widespread poverty could go through so much.
Over 200 000 people men,women and children dead. Thousands injured and many children orphaned.

It is great to be reminded that there is someone who does love each and every Haitian person. It is Jesus. They are all precious in his sight. It is great to be reminded that Jesus is the only one.

Psalm 47

For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

1 Clap your hands, all you nations;
shout to God with cries of joy.
2 How awesome is the LORD Most High,
the great King over all the earth!

3 He subdued nations under us,
peoples under our feet.

4 He chose our inheritance for us,
the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.

5 God has ascended amid shouts of joy,
the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets.

6 Sing praises to God, sing praises;
sing praises to our King, sing praises.

7 For God is the King of all the earth;
sing to him a psalm [a] of praise.

8 God reigns over the nations;
God is seated on his holy throne.

9 The nobles of the nations assemble
as the people of the God of Abraham,
for the kings [b] of the earth belong to God;
he is greatly exalted.

19 Jan 2010

Part 2- Do you know your neighbour?

After writing the previous post, I thought of some more practical ways of getting to know our neighbours. These are from previous experiences I have encountered, both in Australia and overseas.
*Have a BBQ with them (consider cultural/religious considerations)
*Invite them over to your house for an occassion
*Give birthday cards to the kids ( if applicable )

Maybe you can think of some other ideas...

11 Jan 2010

Do you know your neighours?

Recently while away on holidays, I stumbled across an article
that looked at 'neighbourliness being a dying art in Australia'.(The article is mainly looking at Queenslanders) Reading the rest of the article, it goes on to mention that 41% of Australians interacted more on social websites than with neighbours.' With technology advancing, it does not surprise me that more and more people use social networking sites to communicate more with people. Yes, it is great that technology is helping us connect with people, but I really wonder if there is also a downside. Lots of people live busy lives, however is not talking or getting to know our neighbours an excuse for our busyness?

Just saying hello or asking how your neighbours are could make their day especially if they are in need of encouragement.As a Christian, I can definitely show God's love by getting to know my neighbours personally.
